ears prior to founding ecoTruk we were aware that simple, affordable solutions (appropriate technology) can greatly improve the lives of impoverished people. We chose to focus upon mobility since it was often overlooked and solutions to problems of access and participation can have far reaching implications. It became clear that bicycles can quickly change the landscape of poverty. Easing burdens and increasing an individual’s regional access to goods and services really got our attention.
Our founder worked with a bicycle industry veteran in 2006 and looked at specific areas that could be easily addressed through increasing bicycle availability and infrastructure. The limited number of bicycles in some areas, their antiquated “technology”, and the absence of a supply chain was easy to see. However, we narrowed our focus toward increasing the ability of a bike to haul things. Designing an appropriate type of “cargo bike” , one that could handle challenging conditions and terrain, made perfect sense. No such bike really existed at the time and the concept had not yet taken hold.
ecoTruk started… with a man, a plan, and a bicycle… but it could be tied to income production?
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